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Let us know how we can improve. Vote on existing ideas or suggest new ones.
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stream game
youtube error when streaming from twitch? An unexpected error occurred: helix returned error 401 - Unauthorized: "Invalid OAuth token" when calling GET
Different bitrates and resolutions for each destination
Its great that there is no limit or modifications done to the input source before going to the destination, but would be great if we get to choose the bitrate and resolution we want to stream at for each destination. (for example stream at a 1440p60
Please add Dlive to the list of sites you will pull chat from
Have a direct OBS Plugin
Create a plugin for OBS which integrates all of AirCast features directly within OBS like SE.Live from stream elements. - Alerts - Chats - Air Cast dashboard / setup etc.
SRT streaming
I'm not sure how does it but, you can connect all your streaming platforms and it pushes them out through SRT protocol. It is soooo good for my unstable internet. I really really prefer aircast for their features...but I just can't stream u
Please add loco India's streaming platform.
Guys please upvote this your 1 upvote will hell me. Thank you.
Pls add tiktok live
Add tiktok live pls
iOS app
I suggest you make an aircast app for Android/IOS so you don't rely on a web browser.
Announce to Twitter when destination platform is live
I would love it if an option was added to link my Twitter account to so an automated tweet is made on my behalf as soon as my destination stream goes live.
Alert Box!
Create a way to create alert box, without the need for OBS.
Viewers count
Show viewer count next to the corresponding players on dashboard
Capabilities of changing titles and played game
Would be pretty good to be able to change the stream titles and game you are playing from the currently used platforms directly from aircast so that you don't need to use 3rd party tools to do that or login directly to each site/doing it one by one v
Desktop App
It would be nice to have a desktop app where you could do different aircast things as well as have new features such as: -Multiplatform bot (I believe if it covers Twitch, Mixer and YT would be amazing) -Start the multistream -Change titles -Merged
Combined Chats
Allow users to have all chats combined into one
In Beta
A subscription service
Similar to what Gamewisp is, a place where you can set different subscription tiers with different rewards that you can set as a streamer. Gamewisp is kind of unreliable for handling payments and their discord/support answers take weeks to reply. I
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